The Optimist Club of Washington
Respect for Law
The Optimist Club of Washington believes it is important for children to grow up with a strong belief in abiding by the law, respecting law enforcement and doing what they can to maintain peace. We hope that our projects with the local students will help in this effort.
In July 1965, a discussion between Past Optimist International President Carl Bowen and former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover resulted in the birth of the Respect for Law program. This is the fourth most popular program with more than 1,500 Clubs participating each year. Over a quarter of a million law enforcement officers honored by thousands of Optimist Clubs around the world over 50 years. Carrying the motto “Bringing Out the Best in Youth,” Optimists conduct positive service projects that reach more than six million young people each year.
Officer Charlie Scheer as the Club's recipient of 2021 Respect for Law. Washington Night Clubbers held the Club's first Respect for Law dinner. Officer Charlie Scheer was recognized for his service to our community. Club members also donated single serving snacks and drinks for the entire Police Department. Thank you Chief Menefee for nominating such a deserving officer.
Officer Nolan Crawford as the Club's recipient of the 2022 Respect for Law. A donation to BackStoppers will be made in his name. Club members also donated single serving snacks for all employees of the Washington Police Department. Thank you Officer Crawford and our local law enforcement officers for all you do for our community.
Officer Brendan McMillan as the Club's recipient of the 2023 Respect for Law. A donation to St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital will be made in his name. Club members also donated single serving snacks for all employees of the Washington Police Department. Thank you, Officer McMillan and our local law enforcement officers, for all you do for our community.
Officer Rebecca Chaplin as the Club’s recipient of the 2024 Respect for Law. A donation to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) will be made in her honor. Club members also donated 797 single serving snacks for all employees of the Washington Police Department. Thank you, Officer Chaplin and our local law enforcement officers, for all you do for our community.